Historia de Chengyu 成语

I taught Chinese song to flamenco artist

In the spring of 1998, Li Ruihuan, President of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, was about to visit Spain. The press officer of the embassy,...

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Los españoles también celebran el Año Nuevo chino

西班牙人也过中国年 马上就要过年了,在距离中国8788公里的亚欧大陆的西端,有一群萌萌的外国人用各种各样的方式进行着祝福,和我们一起喜气洋洋,共度新春。 Es casi Nochevieja y en el extremo occidental del continente asiático y europeo, a 8.788 kilómetros de China, un grupo de extranjeros nos desean lo mejor de diversas...

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I taught Cindy Crawford Chinese

I taught Cindy Crawford Chinese Li Ai In March 1997, the Olympic Port of Barcelona was buzzing with stars when the world's top model, Cindy Crawford, arrived as an ambassador...

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I am a wild goose

I am a wild goose Friendship between Chinese and Cuban ballet artists Li Ai   Alicia Alonso is an outstanding international ballet teacher and choreographer, who has experience on stages...

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¿Cómo explicar las costumbres de la Fiesta de la Primavera en español?

从腊月开始,春节的气氛就越来越浓了。农历腊月二十三,即春节前一星期,中国各地基本进入了春节倒计时,人们依照各种民俗,开始为过春节忙碌起来。   Desde el comienzo del último mes lunar, conocido como Layue en chino, la atmósfera del Festival de Primavera se vuelve cada vez más intensa. En el día 23...

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【Media Interview】Proud of my students (Li Ai)

Proud of my students "Can you believe it? This is homework of a student who has been studying Chinese for just three months, and his Chinese characters are already at...

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